There was a TIME!

There was a time I used to live in a place called Home It was warm welcoming and seemed very own. There was this tree that came up with red flowers every spring,A far off school that woke me up with its morning ring. There was a season called the monsoon When skies got overcast…… Continue reading There was a TIME!

The girl who made my life a fairytale

There are people who walk into our lives and then walk out. There are people who never walk in but simply pass by with the torrents of time. And then, there are people who walk into our lives for good and make it a fairy-tale. And, when it comes to fairy-tales, she is the one…… Continue reading The girl who made my life a fairytale

An evening abundant with memories

It was raining incessantly since evening and I was a bit apprehensive about my means of commute on such a scary night. No uber, no autos, no taxis were ready to take me and I was kind of freaking out. Suddenly a car stopped in front of me and I was truly vexed when an…… Continue reading An evening abundant with memories

It’s never too late!

I had met Amrita first time in college. She seemed haughty in the beginning. A self-obsessed woman who couldn’t see life beyond herself – that is what I thought of her. We were cordial but never great friends in college. We never had open confrontations but it was evident that we never harboured great love…… Continue reading It’s never too late!